
Luna Chat Release Notes

Luna Chat – Beta 0.1200


 ⁃ Search functions 

 ⁃ Payment System with UI [ALPHA]

 ⁃ New Chat Window

 ⁃ Reply messaging

 ⁃ Group Chat[EXPERIMENTAL] Limited to 10 People for controlled testing

 ⁃ Logout options

 ⁃ New Luna brand Startup/Logo

 ⁃ Smart selector for connecting to blockchain

Problems that are still there

 ⁃ When logging in it does not automatically refresh so a restart is needed currently


 ⁃ FIXED Bug when starting for the first time with DB creation

 ⁃ Greatly improved UI performance with Rendering Shadows which causes slow loading times

 ⁃ FIXED and improved Reply on message system

 ⁃ ADDED Popup notification showing occurring Error message when sending a message

 ⁃ FIXED Bug with Scaling in ContactsView Where with a long List Contacts are being cut off

 ⁃ FIXED Problem With Inner TX id 

 ⁃ FIXED Issue with no transaction account

 ⁃ REMOVED Rest Api Commands migrated everything to Thrift

 ⁃ IMPROVED Loading Transactions by 5x

 ⁃ IMPROVED Refresh Mechanism before there where situations that 2 messages at the same time did not arrive

 ⁃ FIXED Bug in showing Amount of coins left

 ⁃ FIXED Bug as the balance was incorrect the proper popup screen did not show and therefore creating invalid messages

 ⁃ IMPROVED Handling Time values inside the Application

 ⁃ IMPROVED Loading old conversations at the first time speed x3

 ⁃ ADDED Accent UI Line on bottom navigation bar

 ⁃ FIXED Height of bottom navigation bar

 ⁃ FIXED Arrows in Settings-menu did not recognize the tap function

 ⁃ FIXED Showing Conversations that are empty caused by other transactions in that account

 ⁃ ADDED Payment recognition implemented for all transfers coming from Luna

 ⁃ ADDED UI Window for viewing Payment transfers

 ⁃ ADDED View Balance on blockchain button

 ⁃ FIXED Problem when sending tokens it always showed Success also when Transaction failed

 ⁃ ADDED Search-bar functions for Conversation view

 ⁃ ADDED Search-bar functions for Contacts view

 ⁃ ADDED New Chat Window

 ⁃ ADDED ShadowLines in Contacts and conversation page

 ⁃ IMPROVED AddUserPage

 ⁃ ADDED Background color for Group header Contactview

 ⁃ ADDED Build number in settings view

 ⁃ UPDATED Background Fetcher to support Group chat

 ⁃ ADDED Group chat UI

 ⁃ ADDED Invitation system for group chat 

 ⁃ IMPROVED startscreen UI 

 ⁃ ADDED soft version of a automatic node selector 

 ⁃ ADDED New Logo package

 ⁃ IMPROVED Startup Screen

 ⁃ ADDED Logout UI options for 3 


 ⁃ ADDED Android support

 ⁃ FIXED Major Improvements in terms of performance for Android on UI Rendering

 ⁃ ADDED Push Notifications Android

 ⁃ FIXED Refactored Initialization of Android Core

 ⁃ FIXED Changed used packages for Legacy support of API 24 Android 7.0

 ⁃ FIXED Incorrect APK Format for uploading to Play Store

 ⁃ FIXED Incorrect Compiler Algorithm

 ⁃ FIXED Double tap on Message function 

 ⁃ FIXED Scaling problem with QR code icon

 ⁃ FIXED Background issue with + Icon

 ⁃ ADDED Push Notifications